Articles | Volume 24, issue 8
Research article
16 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 16 Aug 2024

How hard do avalanche practitioners tap during snow stability tests?

Håvard B. Toft, Samuel V. Verplanck, and Markus Landrø

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Cited articles

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Birkeland, K. W. and Simenhois, R.: The Extended Column Test: Test Effectiveness, Spatial Variability, and Comparison with the Propagation Saw Test, in: International Snow Science Workshop, 26 September 2008, Whistler, British Colombia, 867–874, (last access: 15 August 2024), 2008. 
Birkeland, K. W., van Herwijnen, A., Techel, F., Bair, E. H., Reuter, B., Simenhois, R., Jamieson, B., Marienthal, A., Chabot, D., and Schweizer, J.: Comparing stability tests and understanding their limitations, in: Proceedings of the 2023 International Snow Science Workshop, Bend, OR, (last access: 15 August 2024), 2023. 
Short summary
This study investigates inconsistencies in impact force as part of extended column tests (ECTs). We measured force-time curves from 286 practitioners in Scandinavia, Central Europe, and North America. The results show a large variability in peak forces and loading rates across wrist, elbow, and shoulder taps, challenging the ECT's reliability. 
Final-revised paper