Articles | Volume 17, issue 1
Research article
30 Jan 2017
Research article |  | 30 Jan 2017

Wave simulation for the design of an innovative quay wall: the case of Vlorë Harbour

Alessandro Antonini, Renata Archetti, and Alberto Lamberti

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Cited articles

Altomare, C. and Gironella, X.: An experimental study on scale effects in wave reflection of low reflective quay walls with internal rubble mound for regular and random waves, Coast. Eng., 90, 51–63,, 2014.
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Antonini, A., Tedesco, G., Lamberti, A., Archetti, R., Ciabattoni, S., and Piacentini, L.: Innovative combiwall quay-wall with internal rubble mound chamber: numerical tools supporting design activities, The case of Vlora's harbor, Proceeding of 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2016, Rhodos, 26 June–1 July 2016c.
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Short summary
Hindcasted wave data were used to define proper environmental conditions at sea, with the aim of estimating the design conditions of an innovative quay wall concept. The results of a computational fluid dynamics model are used to optimise the design of a non-reflective quay wall of Vlorë Harbour. The proposed method based on numerical modelling allows for the identification of the best site-specific solution and for a location devoid of any wave measurements.
Final-revised paper