Articles | Volume 15, issue 8
Research article
03 Aug 2015
Research article |  | 03 Aug 2015

Probabilistic hurricane-induced storm surge hazard assessment in Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles

Y. Krien, B. Dudon, J. Roger, and N. Zahibo

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Cited articles

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Chauvet, M. and Joseph, B.: Caracterisation des impacts de la houle liee à l'ouragan Omar sur la Cote Sous le Vent de la Guadeloupe (Octobre 2008), Rapport BRGM/RP-56869-FR, 40 pp., 2008.
Short summary
New maps of hurricane-induced surge levels that can occur on average once every 100- and 1000 years are drawn for Guadeloupe Island in the French West Indies, using a high-resolution wave-current coupled model and a large set of synthetic events that are in statistical agreement with historical storms. Results are found to differ significantly from past studies in wave-exposed areas, and should be of major interest for coastal planners and decision makers in terms of risk management.
Final-revised paper