Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
Research article
18 Mar 2015
Research article |  | 18 Mar 2015

Spatial distribution of the daily precipitation concentration index in Algeria

A. Benhamrouche, D. Boucherf, R. Hamadache, L. Bendahmane, J. Martin-Vide, and J. Teixeira Nery

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Cited articles

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Short summary
In the Mediterranean climate as well as in some tropical climates, such as in Algeria, a few rainy days account for a high percentage of the annual total precipitation. The contribution of very rainy days can be evaluated by means of the concentration index (CI) (Martin-Vide, 2004). The values of CI for 42 meteorological stations in Algeria, over the period 1970--2008, have been calculated; the highest values occurred in Biskra and in the southwest.
Final-revised paper