Articles | Volume 18, issue 6
Research article
22 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 22 Jun 2018

Estimation of the susceptibility of a road network to shallow landslides with the integration of the sediment connectivity

Massimiliano Bordoni, M. Giuseppina Persichillo, Claudia Meisina, Stefano Crema, Marco Cavalli, Carlotta Bartelletti, Yuri Galanti, Michele Barsanti, Roberto Giannecchini, and Giacomo D'Amato Avanzi

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Short summary
This paper aimed to develop and test a data-driven model for the identification of road sectors that are susceptible to be hit by shallow landslides triggered in slopes upstream of infrastructure. Most susceptible road traits were those located below steep slopes with a limited height (lower than 50 m), where sediment connectivity is high. The results of the susceptibility analysis can give asset managers indispensable information on the relative criticality of the different roads.
Final-revised paper