Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Brief communication
10 Sep 2015
Brief communication |  | 10 Sep 2015

Brief Communication: On the rapid and efficient monitoring results dissemination in landslide emergency scenarios: the Mont de La Saxe case study

D. Giordan, A. Manconi, P. Allasia, and D. Bertolo

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Cited articles

Allasia, P., Manconi, A., Giordan, D., Baldo, M., and Lollino, G.: ADVICE: A New Approach for Near-Real-Time Monitoring of Surface Displacements in Landslide Hazard Scenarios, Sensors, 13, 8285–8302,, 2013.
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Brückl, E., Brunner, F. K., Lang, E., Mertl, S., Müller, M., and Stary, U.: The Gradenbach Observatory – monitoring deep-seated gravitational slope deformation by geodetic, hydrological, and seismological methods, Landslides, 10, 815–829,, 2013.
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Straightforward communication of monitoring results is of major importance in emergency scenarios relevant to large slope instabilities. Here we describe the communication strategy developed for the Mont de La Saxe case study, a large rockslide threatening La Palud and Entrèves hamlets in the Courmayeur municipality (Aosta Valley, Italy).
Final-revised paper