Articles | Volume 19, issue 12
Research article
02 Dec 2019
Research article |  | 02 Dec 2019

Difficulties in explaining complex issues with maps: evaluating seismic hazard communication – the Swiss case

Michèle Marti, Michael Stauffacher, and Stefan Wiemer

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Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 3561–3578,,, 2024
Short summary
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Maps are an established way to illustrate natural hazards and regularly used to communicate with non-experts. However, there is evidence that they are frequently misconceived. Using a real case, our study shows that applying or disregarding best practices in visualization, editing, and presentation significantly impacts the comprehensibility of seismic hazard information. We suggest scrutinizing current natural-hazard communication strategies and empirically testing new products.
Final-revised paper