Articles | Volume 17, issue 5
Research article
19 May 2017
Research article |  | 19 May 2017

Probabilistic flood extent estimates from social media flood observations

Tom Brouwer, Dirk Eilander, Arnejan van Loenen, Martijn J. Booij, Kathelijne M. Wijnberg, Jan S. Verkade, and Jurjen Wagemaker

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Cited articles

Aronica, G., Bates, P. D., and Horrit, M. S.: Assessing the uncertainty in distributed model predictions using observed binary pattern information within GLUE, Hydrol. Process., 16, 2001–2016,, 2002.
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Short summary
The increasing number and severity of floods, driven by e.g. urbanization, subsidence and climate change, create a growing need for accurate and timely flood maps. At the same time social media is a source of much real-time data that is still largely untapped in flood disaster management. This study illustrates that inherently uncertain data from social media can be used to derive information about flooding.
Final-revised paper