Articles | Volume 17, issue 11
Brief communication
28 Nov 2017
Brief communication |  | 28 Nov 2017

Brief communication: The curious case of the large wood-laden flow event in the Pocuro stream (Chile)

Diego Ravazzolo, Luca Mao, Bruno Mazzorana, and Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva

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Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 1607–1634,,, 2024
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Impacts of a large flood along a mountain river basin: the importance of channel widening and estimating the large wood budget in the upper Emme River (Switzerland)
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3-D hydrodynamic modelling of flood impacts on a building and indoor flooding processes
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Bedload transport in a formerly glaciated mountain catchment constrained by particle tracking
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Tracer-based analysis of spatial and temporal variations of water sources in a glacierized catchment
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Limited effect of the confluence angle and tributary gradient on Alpine confluence morphodynamics under intense sediment loads
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Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 1607–1634,,, 2024
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Added value of seasonal hindcasts to create UK hydrological drought storylines
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Cited articles

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Comiti, F., Lucía, A., and Rickenmann, D.: Large wood recruitment and transport during large floods: a review, Geomorphology, 269, 23–39,, 2016.
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Iroume, A., Mao, L., Andreoli, A., Ulloa, H., and Ardiles, M. P.: Large wood mobility processes in low-order Chilean river channels, Geomorphology, 228, 681–693,, 2015.
Final-revised paper