Articles | Volume 17, issue 9
Research article
20 Sep 2017
Research article |  | 20 Sep 2017

Transposing an active fault database into a fault-based seismic hazard assessment for nuclear facilities – Part 2: Impact of fault parameter uncertainties on a site-specific PSHA exercise in the Upper Rhine Graben, eastern France

Thomas Chartier, Oona Scotti, Christophe Clément, Hervé Jomard, and Stéphane Baize

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Cited articles

Baize, S., Cushing, E. M., Lemeille, F., and Jomard, H.: Updated seismotectonic zoning scheme of Metropolitan France, with reference to geologic and seismotectonic data, B. Soc. Geol. Fr., 184, 225–259,, 2013.
Baize, S., Reicherter, K., Thomas, J., Chartier, T., and Cushing, E. M.: Towards a Fault-based SHA in the Southern Upper Rhine Graben, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17–22 April 2016, EGU2016-14458, 2016.
Bommer, J. J. and Crowley, H.: The Purpose and Definition of the Minimum Magnitude Limit in PSHA Calculations, Seismol. Res. Lett., 88,, 2017.
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We perform a fault-based PSHA exercise in the Upper Rhine Graben to quantify the relative influence of fault parameters on the hazard at the Fessenheim nuclear power plant site. Sensitivity tests show that the uncertainty on the slip rate of the Rhine River fault is the dominant factor controlling the variability of the seismic hazard level, greater than the epistemic uncertainty due to ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs).
Final-revised paper