Articles | Volume 16, issue 12
Research article
06 Dec 2016
Research article |  | 06 Dec 2016

Fast evaluation of tsunami scenarios: uncertainty assessment for a Mediterranean Sea database

Irene Molinari, Roberto Tonini, Stefano Lorito, Alessio Piatanesi, Fabrizio Romano, Daniele Melini, Andreas Hoechner, José M. Gonzàlez Vida, Jorge Maciás, Manuel J. Castro, and Marc de la Asunción

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Cited articles

Annaka, T., Satake, K., Sakakiyama, T., Yanagisawa, K., and Shuto, N.: Logic-tree Approach for Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis and its Applications to the Japanese Coasts, Pure Appl. Geophys., 164, 577–592,, 2007.
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De la Asunción, M., Castro, M. J., Fernández-Nieto, E. D., Mantas, J. M., Ortega Acosta, S., and González Vida, J. M.: Efficient GPU implementation of a two waves TVD-WAF method for the two-dimensional one layer shallow water system on structured meshes, Comput. Fluids, 80, 441–452, 2013.
Short summary
We present a database of pre-calculated tsunami waveforms for the entire Mediterranean Sea, obtained by numerical propagation of uniformly spaced Gaussian-shaped elementary sources for the sea level elevation. Based on any initial sea surface displacement, the database allows the fast calculation of full waveforms of coastal sites. The resulting product is suitable for different applications such as probabilistic tsunami hazard, tsunami source inversions and tsunami warning systems.
Final-revised paper