Articles | Volume 22, issue 2
Research article
16 Feb 2022
Research article |  | 16 Feb 2022

Wildfire–atmosphere interaction index for extreme-fire behaviour

Tomàs Artés, Marc Castellnou, Tracy Houston Durrant, and Jesús San-Miguel

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Baptiste Filippi, J., Bosseur, F., Mari, C., Lac, C., Le Moigne, P., Cuenot, B., Veynante, D., Cariolle, D., and Balbi, J.-H.: Coupled atmosphere-wildland fire modelling, J. Adv. Model. Earth Sy., 1, 11,, 2009. a
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During the last 20 years extreme wildfires have challenged firefighting capabilities. Several fire danger indices are routinely used by firefighting services but are not suited to forecast convective extreme wildfire behaviour at the global scale. This article proposes a new fire danger index for deep moist convection, the extreme-fire behaviour index (EFBI), based on the analysis of the vertical profiles of the atmosphere above wildfires to use along with traditional fire danger indices.
Final-revised paper