Articles | Volume 21, issue 6
Research article
17 Jun 2021
Research article |  | 17 Jun 2021

Tsunami damage to ports: cataloguing damage to create fragility functions from the 2011 Tohoku event

Constance Ting Chua, Adam D. Switzer, Anawat Suppasri, Linlin Li, Kwanchai Pakoksung, David Lallemant, Susanna F. Jenkins, Ingrid Charvet, Terence Chua, Amanda Cheong, and Nigel Winspear

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Cited articles

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Benazir, Syamsidik, and Luthfi, M.: Assessment on Damages of Harbor Complexes Due to Impacts of the 2018 Palu-Donggala Tsunami, Indonesia, in: International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, edited by: Nguyen, T. V., Dou, X., and Tran, T. T., Springer, Singapore,, 2019. 
Short summary
Port industries are extremely vulnerable to coastal hazards such as tsunamis. Despite their pivotal role in local and global economies, there has been little attention paid to tsunami impacts on port industries. For the first time, tsunami damage data are being extensively collected for port structures and catalogued into a database. The study also provides fragility curves which describe the probability of damage exceedance for different port industries given different tsunami intensities.
Final-revised paper