Articles | Volume 17, issue 6
Research article
13 Jun 2017
Research article |  | 13 Jun 2017

High-resolution modelling of atmospheric dispersion of dense gas using TWODEE-2.1: application to the 1986 Lake Nyos limnic eruption

Arnau Folch, Jordi Barcons, Tomofumi Kozono, and Antonio Costa

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Atmospheric dispersal of a gas denser than air can threat the environment and surrounding communities. In complex terrains, microscale winds and local orographic features can have a strong influence on the gas cloud behavior, potentially leading to inaccurate model results if not captured by coarser-scale simulations. We introduce a methodology for microscale wind field characterization and validate it using, as a test case, the CO2 gas dispersal from 1986 Lake Nyos eruption.
Final-revised paper