Articles | Volume 14, issue 12
Research article
05 Dec 2014
Research article |  | 05 Dec 2014

Moraine-dammed lake failures in Patagonia and assessment of outburst susceptibility in the Baker Basin

P. Iribarren Anacona, K.P. Norton, and A. Mackintosh

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Short summary
In Patagonia at least 16 moraine-dammed lakes have failed in historical time. Commonly failed lakes were in contact with glaciers at the time of failure and had moderate (≥ 8°) to steep (≥15°) outlet slopes. Seven failed lakes are located in the Baker Basin, Chilean Patagonia, were hydro-electric generation plants are planned. We assessed the outburst susceptibility of moraine-dammed lakes in the Baker Basin and identified 28 lakes with high or very high outburst susceptibility.
Final-revised paper