Articles | Volume 20, issue 5
Research article
04 May 2020
Research article |  | 04 May 2020

Analysis of properties of the 19 February 2018 volcanic eruption of Mount Sinabung in S5P/TROPOMI and Himawari-8 satellite data

Adrianus de Laat, Margarita Vazquez-Navarro, Nicolas Theys, and Piet Stammes

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Cited articles

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Short summary
TROPOMI satellite measurements can accurately determine the height of thick volcanic ash clouds from a short-lived volcanic eruption of the Sinabung volcano in Indonesia. Standard geostationary satellite detection of volcanic ash was limited due to the presence of water and ice in the upper parts of volcanic ash clouds, a known issue. The TROPOMI satellite measurements do not suffer from this limitation, hence providing information where standard geostationary volcanic ash detection is limited.
Final-revised paper