Articles | Volume 19, issue 3
Research article
 | Highlight paper
20 Mar 2019
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 20 Mar 2019

Exposure-based risk assessment and emergency management associated with the fallout of large clasts at Mount Etna

Sara Osman, Eduardo Rossi, Costanza Bonadonna, Corine Frischknecht, Daniele Andronico, Raffaello Cioni, and Simona Scollo

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Cited articles

Andronico, D., Cristaldi, A., and Scollo, S.: The 4–5 September 2007 lava fountain at South-East Crater of Mt Etna, Italy, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 173, 325–328,, 2008. 
Andronico, D., Scollo, S., Cristaldi, A., and Ferrari, F.: Monitoring ash emission episodes at Mt. Etna: The 16 November 2006 case study, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 180, 123–134,, 2009. 
Andronico, D., Scollo, S., Cristaldi, A., and Lo Castro, M. D.: Representivity of incompletely sampled fall deposits in estimating eruption source parameters: a test using the 12–13 January 2011 lava fountain deposit from Mt. Etna volcano, Italy, Bull. Volcanol., 76, 861,, 2014. 
Andronico, D., Scollo, S., and Cristaldi, A.: Unexpected hazards from tephra fallouts at Mt Etna: the 23 November 2013 lava fountain, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 304, 118–125,, 2015. 
Bagheri, G. and Bonadonna, C.: Aerodynamics of volcanic particles: characterization of size, shape, and settling velocity, in: Volcanic ash: hazard observation, edited by: Mackie, S., Cashman, K., Ricketts, H., Rust, A., and Watson, M., 39–52, Elsevier, London, 2016a. 
Short summary
The fallout of large clasts (> 5 cm) from the margins of eruptive plumes can damage local infrastructure and severely injure people close to the volcano. Even though this potential hazard has been observed at many volcanoes, it has often been overlooked. We present the first hazard and risk assessment of large-clast fallout from eruptive plumes and use Mt Etna (Italy) as a case study. The use of dedicated shelters in the case of an explosive event that occurs with no warning is also evaluated.
Final-revised paper