Articles | Volume 16, issue 1
Research article
18 Jan 2016
Research article |  | 18 Jan 2016

An interactive web-GIS tool for risk analysis: a case study in the Fella River basin, Italy

Z. C. Aye, M. Jaboyedoff, M. H. Derron, C. J. van Westen, H. Y. Hussin, R. L. Ciurean, S. Frigerio, and A. Pasuto

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Revised manuscript not accepted
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The connection between long-term and short-term risk management strategies for flood and landslide hazards: examples from land-use planning and emergency management in four European case studies
K. Prenger-Berninghoff, V. J. Cortes, T. Sprague, Z. C. Aye, S. Greiving, W. Głowacki, and S. Sterlacchini
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Cited articles

Akbas, S. O., Blahut, J., and Sterlacchini, S.: Critical assessment of existing physical vulnerability estimation approaches for debris flows, in: International Conference on Landslide processes: from geomorphological mapping to dynamic modelling, edited by: Malet, J. P., Remaitre, A., and Bogaard, T., Strasbourg, 6–7 February 2009, 229–233, 2009.
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Aye, Z. C., Jaboyedoff, M., Derron, M.-H., and van Westen, C. J.: Prototype of a web-based participative decision support platform in natural hazards and risk management, ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf., 4, 1201–1224, 2015.
Aye, Z. C., Sprague, T., Cortes, V. J., Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Jaboyedoff, M., and Derron, M.-H.: A collaborative (web-GIS) framework based on empirical data collected from three case studies in Europe for risk management of hydro-meteorological hazards, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 15, 10–23, 2016.
Short summary
This paper presents the development and application of a prototype web-GIS tool for risk analysis, in particular for floods and landslides, based on open-source software and web technologies. The aim is to assist experts (risk managers) in analysing the impacts and consequences of a certain hazard event in a considered region, contributing to open-source and research community in natural hazards and risk assessment. The tool is demonstrated using a regional data set of Fella River basin, Italy.
Final-revised paper