Articles | Volume 16, issue 10
Review article
10 Oct 2016
Review article |  | 10 Oct 2016

The Bosna River floods in May 2014

Andrej Vidmar, Lidija Globevnik, Maja Koprivšek, Matej Sečnik, Katarina Zabret, Blažo Đurović, Darko Anzeljc, Janez Kastelic, Mira Kobold, Mojca Sušnik, Darko Borojevič, Tarik Kupusović, Esena Kupusović, Anja Vihar, and Mitja Brilly

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Cited articles

Abdulaj, R., Miković, N., Oskoruš, D., and Vujnović, T.: Velike vode donjeg toka rijeke save tijekom svibnja 2014, Hrvatska vodoprivreda, 207, 14–16, 2014.
Anzeljc, D. and Đurović, B.: Analiza večdnevnih padavin, ki so maja 2014 povzročile poplave na porečju Bosne: report, Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2014.
Atta ur, R. and Khan, A. N.: Analysis of 2010-flood causes, nature and magnitude in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Nat. Hazards, 66, 887–904, 2013.
BiH, EU, UN, WB: Bosnia and Herzegovina recovery needs assessment, Floods 14–19 May, available at: (last access: 17 September 2014), 2014.
DHMZ: Stoljetna poplava na donjem toku rijeke Save, Meteorological and Hydrological Institute of Croatia, Zagreb, 2014.
Short summary
Devastating floods are a rare and unique phenomenon that prompts an in-depth hydrological analysis. The paper addresses the May 2014 flooding of the Bosna River. In May 2014, flooding occurred as a consequence of precipitation that continuously fell for several days over the Sava River and its lower reach tributaries in the territories of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. The precipitation in some places exceeded a 5000-year return period and discharges a 100-year return period.
Final-revised paper