Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Research article
08 Sep 2015
Research article |  | 08 Sep 2015

Landscape analysis for multi-hazard prevention in Orco and Soana valleys, Northwest Italy

L. Turconi, D. Tropeano, G. Savio, S. K. De, and P. J. Mason

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Cited articles

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Bollschweiler, M. and Stoffel, M.: Jahrringe und Naturgefahren. Wie und wo können Bäume bei der Gefahrenbeurteilung helfen?, Wildbach- und Lawinenverbau, 73, 40–52, 2009.
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Caroni, E. and Tropeano, D.: Rate of erosion processes on experimental areas in the Marchiazza basin (northwestern Italy), International Symposium on "Erosion and sediment transport measurement", 22-25 June 1981, Florence, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK, 457–466, 1981.
Ehret, D., Rohn, J., and Moser, M.: Grossräumige Massenbewegungen in der Weltkulturerberegion Hallstatt-Dachstein (Oberösterreich), Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie Erlangen, Nuremberg, Germany, 1–6, 2005.
Short summary
Due to the severe hazardous processes many lives have been lost in the area: at least 250 deaths have been recorded since the 18th century, accounting for 36 different dates/events. Many research topics remain to be developed, especially those concerning (a) the time period during which natural events of a given intensity may recur, and (b) the improvement of techniques and knowledge, at the highest possible detail and in relation to anthropogenic activities.
Final-revised paper