Articles | Volume 19, issue 2
Research article
14 Feb 2019
Research article |  | 14 Feb 2019

Flood risk assessment due to cyclone-induced dike breaching in coastal areas of Bangladesh

Md Feroz Islam, Biswa Bhattacharya, and Ioana Popescu

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Cited articles

Ahamed, S., Rahman, M. M., and Faisal, M. A.: Reducing Cyclone Impacts in the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh: A Case Study of Kalapara Upazila, Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners, ISSN 2075, 9363, 185–197, 2012. 
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Short summary
Bangladesh, one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, has a dynamic delta with 123 polders. Cyclone-induced storm surges cause severe damage to these polders. This paper presents an investigation of the inundation pattern in a polder due to dike failure caused by storm surges and identifies possible critical locations of dike breaches. Moreover, the risk of flooding was assessed and probabilistic flood maps were generated for the breaching of dikes.
Final-revised paper