Articles | Volume 17, issue 10
Research article
06 Oct 2017
Research article |  | 06 Oct 2017

Big data managing in a landslide early warning system: experience from a ground-based interferometric radar application

Emanuele Intrieri, Federica Bardi, Riccardo Fanti, Giovanni Gigli, Francesco Fidolini, Nicola Casagli, Sandra Costanzo, Antonio Raffo, Giuseppe Di Massa, Giovanna Capparelli, and Pasquale Versace

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Cited articles

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Bardi, F., Frodella, W., Ciampalini, A., Del Ventisette, C., Gigli, G., Fanti, R., Basile, G., Moretti, S., and Casagli, N.: Integration between ground based and satellite SAR data in landslide mapping: The San Fratello case study, Geomorphology, 223, 45–60, 2014.
Bardi, F., Raspini, F., Ciampalini, A., Kristensen, L., Rouyet, L., Lauknes, T. R., Frauenfelder, R., and Casagli, N.: Space-Borne and Ground-Based InSAR Data Integration: The Åknes Test Site, Remote Sens.-Basel., 8, 237,, 2016.
Short summary
Landslides are a threat not only to people but also to important infrastructure, like highways. Nowadays there are several monitoring systems that are able to detect slope displacements in order to give prompt alarms. On the other hand, such instruments produce a huge amount of information, which is often not totally used and which can also represent an issue for data storage and transmission. In this paper we explain how we dealt with the large quantity of data provided by one of these tools.
Final-revised paper