Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Research article
04 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 04 Jul 2017

Public perceptions of a rip current hazard education program: “Break the Grip of the Rip!”

Chris Houser, Sarah Trimble, Robert Brander, B. Chris Brewster, Greg Dusek, Deborah Jones, and John Kuhn

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Cited articles

Arozarena, I., Houser, C., Echeverria, A. G., and Brannstrom, C.: The rip current hazard in Costa Rica, Nat. Hazards, 77, 753–768, 2015.
Arun Kumar, S. V. V. and Prasad, K. V. S. R.: Rip current-related fatalities in India: a new predictive risk scale for forecasting rip currents, Nat. Hazards, 70, 313–335, 2014.
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Barrett, G. and Houser, C.: Identifying hotspots of rip current activity using wavelet analysis at Pensacola Beach, Florida, Phys. Geogr., 33, 32–49, 2012.
Short summary
Rip currents pose a major global beach hazard. Despite increased social research into beach-goer experience, little is known about levels of rip current knowledge within the general population. This study describes results of an online survey to determine the extent of rip current knowledge across the United States, with the aim of improving and enhancing existing beach safety education materials. Results suggest a need for locally specific and verified rip forecasts and signage.
Final-revised paper