Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
Brief communication
04 Mar 2015
Brief communication |  | 04 Mar 2015

Brief Communication: The effect of submerged vents on probabilistic hazard assessment for tephra fallout

R. Tonini, L. Sandri, A. Costa, and J. Selva

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Cited articles

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Costa, A., Dell'Erba, F., Di Vito, M. A., Isaia, R., Macedonio, G., Orsi, G., and Pfeiffer, T.: Tephra fallout hazard assessment at the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy), B. Volcanol., 71, 259–273, 2009.
Costa, A., Folch, A., Macedonio, G., Giaccio, B., Isaia, R., and Smith, V. C.: Quantifying volcanic ash dispersal and impact from Campanian Ignimbrite super-eruption, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L10310,, 2012.
Guidoboni, E. and Ciuccarelli, C.: The Campi Flegrei caldera: historical revision and new data on seismic crises, bradyseisms, the Monte Nuovo eruption and ensuing earthquakes (twelfth century 1582 AD), B. Volcanol., 73, 655–677, 2011.
Final-revised paper