Articles | Volume 15, issue 6
Research article
05 Jun 2015
Research article |  | 05 Jun 2015

Hydrochemical characteristics of hot spring waters in the Kangding district related to the Lushan MS = 7.0 earthquake in Sichuan, China

Z. Chen, X. Zhou, J. Du, C. Xie, L. Liu, Y. Li, L. Yi, H. Liu, and Y. Cui

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Cited articles

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Dadomo, A., Lemmi, M., Martinelli, G., Menichetti, M., and Telesca, L.: Spring water continuous monitoring in the L'Aquila area in concomitance with the April 2009 seismic swarm in central Italy: Constraining factors to possible deep-seated ?uid emissions, Chem. Geol., 339, 169–176, 2013.
Short summary
After the Lushan earthquake, Ca2+, HCO3- and TDS of spring water increased significantly, which may be attributed to the enhanced interaction between water and carbonate rocks by the increment of dissolved CO2. Na+, Cl- and SO42- in water from Guanding, Zheduotang, Xinxing and Gonghe springs decreased, which may be related to the dilution of precipitation water. The increase in Na+ and SO42- in water from Erhaoying spring may result from a greater increase in sulfur-rich groundwater.
Final-revised paper