Articles | Volume 21, issue 12
Research article
20 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 20 Dec 2021

Assessment of potential beach erosion risk and impact of coastal zone development: a case study on Bongpo–Cheonjin Beach

Changbin Lim, Tae Kon Kim, Sahong Lee, Yoon Jeong Yeon, and Jung Lyul Lee

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Preprint under review for NHESS
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This study aimed to quantitatively assess erosion risk. Methods for assessing each potential were proposed, and the corresponding erosion risk was calculated by introducing a combined potential erosion risk curve presenting the erosion consequence. In addition the method for verifying the risk was examined for the east coast of South Korea. We believe that our study makes a significant contribution to the literature and plays a key role in identifying methods that prevent erosion.
Final-revised paper