Articles | Volume 17, issue 12
Research article
13 Dec 2017
Research article |  | 13 Dec 2017

Sea-level rise along the Emilia-Romagna coast (Northern Italy) in 2100: scenarios and impacts

Luisa Perini, Lorenzo Calabrese, Paolo Luciani, Marco Olivieri, Gaia Galassi, and Giorgio Spada

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Cited articles

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Armaroli, C., Ciavola, P., Masina, M., and Perini, L.: Run-up computation behind emerged breakwaters for marine strom risk assessment, J. Coastal Res., 56, 1612–1616, 2009.
Armaroli, C., Ciavola, P., Perini, L., Calabrese, L., Lorito, S., Valentini, A., and Masina, M.: Critical storm thresholds for significant morphological changes and damage along the Emilia-Romagna coastline, Italy, Geomorphology, 143, 34–51, 2012.
Short summary
The Emilia-Romagna coastal plain is a low-land, highly urbanised area that will be significantly impacted by climate change. To plan adequate mitigation measures, reliable sea-level scenarios are needed. Here we suggests a method for evaluating the combined effects of sea-level rise and land subsidence in the year 2100, in terms of the increase in floodable areas during sea storms. The results allow for a regional assessment and indicate a significant local variability in the factors involved.
Final-revised paper