Articles | Volume 19, issue 8
Research article
02 Aug 2019
Research article |  | 02 Aug 2019

Assessment of the 1783 Scilla landslide–tsunami's effects on the Calabrian and Sicilian coasts through numerical modeling

Filippo Zaniboni, Gianluca Pagnoni, Glauco Gallotti, Maria Ausilia Paparo, Alberto Armigliato, and Stefano Tinti

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Revised manuscript accepted for NHESS
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Cited articles

Argnani, A., Armigliato, A., Pagnoni, G., Zaniboni, F., Tinti, S., and Bonazzi, C.: Active tectonics along the submarine slope of south-eastern Sicily and the source of the 11 January 1693 earthquake and tsunami, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 1311–1319,, 2012. 
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Bosman, A., Bozzano, F., Chiocci, F. L., and Mazzanti, P.: The 1783 Scilla tsunami: evidences of a submarine landslide as a possible (con?)cause. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 10558, 2006. 
Bottari, A., Bottari, C., and Carveni, P.: Evidenze dell'antico portus pelori da analisi paleotopografiche della penisola di Capo Peloro (Sicilia Nord-Orientale), Il Quaternario, Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences, 19, 167–174, 2006. 
Short summary
This work represents the extension of a previous investigation of the 1783 lethal landslide–tsunami, provoking more than 1500 casualties in the coastal town of Scilla. The effects of the tsunami are assessed here over a wider domain and compared with the available observations from historical reports. The eastern end of Sicily (Capo Peloro) is the most affected site in the far-field. A tentative reconstruction of the coeval topography of the area is also realized, with interesting results.
Final-revised paper