Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
17 Dec 2015
Research article |  | 17 Dec 2015

Scenario-based assessment of buildings' damage and population exposure due to earthquake-induced tsunamis for the town of Alexandria, Egypt

G. Pagnoni, A. Armigliato, and S. Tinti

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We estimate the vulnerability of buildings and population exposure to tsunamis for the city of Alexandria, Egypt. The study is based on the worst-case tsunami scenario technique and focusses only on tsunamis induced by earthquakes. The results show that a 15km2 area can be inundated to the south-west of the port of Dekhila. More than 165 000 residents could be exposed and over 13400 buildings could be affected, hundreds of which could sustain damage, ranging from light damage to total collapse.
Final-revised paper