Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
09 Dec 2015
Research article |  | 09 Dec 2015

Geohydrological hazards and urban development in the Mediterranean area: an example from Genoa (Liguria, Italy)

F. Faccini, F. Luino, A. Sacchini, L. Turconi, and J. V. De Graff

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Genoa serves as a case study for geohydrological risks. Cloudbursts of a few hours seem to have a rainfall intensity greater than in the past; this causes an increase in hydrometric levels of the watercourses that quickly reach alarming values, close to overflowing. This factor, added to growing urbanization, has inevitably produced a general trend of increasing risk. Urbanization is particularly notable regarding the narrowing process in all cross sections of Genoa's watercourses.
Final-revised paper