Articles | Volume 21, issue 8
Research article
18 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 18 Aug 2021

Performance of the Adriatic early warning system during the multi-meteotsunami event of 11–19 May 2020: an assessment using energy banners

Iva Tojčić, Cléa Denamiel, and Ivica Vilibić

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Cited articles

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Denamiel, C., Šepić, J., and Vilibić, I.: Impact of geomorphological changes to harbour resonance during meteotsunamis: The Vela Luka Bay test case, Pure Appl. Geophys., 175, 3839–3859,, 2018. 
Denamiel, C., Šepić, J., Ivanković, D., and Vilibić, I.: The Adriatic Sea and Coast modelling suite: Evaluation of the meteotsunami forecast component, Ocean Model., 135, 71–93,, 2019a. 
Short summary
This study quantifies the performance of the Croatian meteotsunami early warning system (CMeEWS) composed of a network of air pressure and sea level observations developed in order to help coastal communities prepare for extreme events. The system would have triggered the warnings for most of the observed events but also set off some false alarms if it was operational during the multi-meteotsunami event of 11–19 May 2020 in the eastern Adriatic. Further development of the system is planned.
Final-revised paper