Articles | Volume 17, issue 12
Research article
01 Dec 2017
Research article |  | 01 Dec 2017

Using street view imagery for 3-D survey of rock slope failures

Jérémie Voumard, Antonio Abellán, Pierrick Nicolet, Ivanna Penna, Marie-Aurélie Chanut, Marc-Henri Derron, and Michel Jaboyedoff

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Dubois, L., Chanut, M.-A., and Duranthon, J.-P.: Amélioration continue des dispositifs d'auscultation et de surveillance intégrés dans le suivi du versant instable des Ruines de Séchilienne, Géologues, 182, 50–55, 2014.
Short summary
We discuss the challenges and limitations of surveying rock slope failures using 3-D reconstruction from images acquired from street view imagery (SVI) and processed with modern photogrammetric workflows. Despite some clear limitations and challenges, we demonstrate that this original approach could help obtain preliminary 3-D models of an area without on-field images. Furthermore, the pre-failure topography can be obtained for sites where it would not be available otherwise.
Final-revised paper