Articles | Volume 24, issue 9
Research article
27 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 27 Sep 2024

Urban growth and spatial segregation increase disaster risk: lessons learned from the 2023 disaster on the North Coast of São Paulo, Brazil

Cassiano Bastos Moroz and Annegret H. Thieken

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Bastos Moroz, C. and Thieken, A. H.: Urban growth and spatial segregation increase disaster risk: Lessons learned from the 2023 disaster on the North Coast of São Paulo, Brazil, Mendeley Data, V1 [data set],, 2024. 
Short summary
We evaluate the influence of urban processes on the impacts of the 2023 disaster that hit the North Coast of São Paulo, Brazil. The impacts of the disaster were largely associated with rapid urban expansion over the last 3 decades, with a recent occupation of risky areas. Moreover, lower-income neighborhoods were considerably more severely impacted, which evidences their increased exposure to such events. These results highlight the strong association between disaster risk and urban poverty.
Final-revised paper