Articles | Volume 24, issue 1
Research article
30 Jan 2024
Research article |  | 30 Jan 2024

Rain-on-snow responses to warmer Pyrenees: a sensitivity analysis using a physically based snow hydrological model

Josep Bonsoms, Juan I. López-Moreno, Esteban Alonso-González, César Deschamps-Berger, and Marc Oliva

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Cited articles

Alonso-González, E., López-Moreno, J. I., Navarro-Serrano, F., Sanmiguel-Vallelado, A., Revuelto, J., Domínguez-Castro, F., and Ceballos, A.: Snow climatology for the mountains in the Iberian Peninsula using satellite imagery and simulations with dynamically downscaled reanalysis data, Int. J. Climatol., 40, 477–491,, 2019. 
Alonso-González, E., López-Moreno, J. I., Navarro-Serrano, F., Sanmiguel-Vallelado, A., Aznárez-Balta, M., Revuelto, J., and Ceballos, A.: Snowpack Sensitivity to Temperature, Precipitation, and Solar Radiation Variability over an Elevational Gradient in the Iberian Mountains, Atmos. Res., 243, 104973,, 2020a. 
Alonso-González, E., López-Moreno, J. I., Navarro-Serrano, F. M., and Revuelto, J.: Impact of North Atlantic Oscillation on the snowpack in Iberian Peninsula mountains, Water-Sui., 12, 105,, 2020b. 
Alonso-González, E., Aalstad, K., Baba, M. W., Revuelto, J., López-Moreno, J. I., Fiddes, J., Essery, R., and Gascoin, S.: The Multiple Snow Data Assimilation System (MuSA v1.0), Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 9127–9155,, 2022. 
Amblar-Francés, M. P., Ramos-Calzado, P., Sanchis-Lladó, J., Hernanz-Lázaro, A., Peral-García, M. C., Navascués, B., Dominguez-Alonso, M., Pastor-Saavedra, M. A., and Rodríguez-Camino, E.: High resolution climate change projections for the Pyrenees region, Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 191–208,, 2020. 
Short summary
Climate warming is changing mountain snowpack patterns, leading in some cases to rain-on-snow (ROS) events. Here we analyzed near-present ROS and its sensitivity to climate warming across the Pyrenees. ROS increases during the coldest months of the year but decreases in the warmest months and areas under severe warming due to snow cover depletion. Faster snow ablation is anticipated in the coldest and northern slopes of the range. Relevant implications in mountain ecosystem are anticipated.
Final-revised paper