Articles | Volume 23, issue 6
Research article
28 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 28 Jun 2023

Propagation from meteorological to hydrological drought in the Horn of Africa using both standardized and threshold-based indices

Rhoda A. Odongo, Hans De Moel, and Anne F. Van Loon

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Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 2915–2936,,, 2023
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Short summary
We characterize meteorological (P), soil moisture (SM) and hydrological (Q) droughts and the propagation from one to the other for 318 catchments in the Horn of Africa. We find that propagation from P to SM is influenced by soil properties and vegetation, while propagation from P to Q is from catchment-scale hydrogeological properties (i.e. geology, slope). We provide precipitation accumulation periods at the subbasin level that can be used as a proxy in drought forecasting in dryland regions.
Final-revised paper