Evaluating and ranking Southeast Asia's exposure to explosive volcanic hazards
Data sets
Supplementary Material 1: Hazard model outputs, for Evaluating and ranking Southeast Asia's exposure to explosive volcanic hazards https://doi.org/10.21979/N9/B80UMQ
Supplementary Material 2: Eruption frequency-magnitude, for Evaluating and ranking Southeast Asia's exposure to explosive volcanic hazards https://doi.org/10.21979/N9/CGKS6C
Supplementary Material 3: Exposure results, for Evaluating and ranking Southeast Asia's exposure to explosive volcanic hazards https://doi.org/10.21979/N9/OUJPZQ
Copernicus Global Land Service: Land Cover 100 m: Collection 3 Epoch 2015, Globe, Version V3. 0.1 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3518038
Model code and software
vharg/VolcGIS: VolcGIS (v1.0) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6416793