Articles | Volume 21, issue 6
Research article
18 Jun 2021
Research article |  | 18 Jun 2021

Global ground strike point characteristics in negative downward lightning flashes – Part 2: Algorithm validation

Dieter R. Poelman, Wolfgang Schulz, Stephane Pedeboy, Leandro Z. S. Campos, Michihiro Matsui, Dustin Hill, Marcelo Saba, and Hugh Hunt

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Campos, L. Z. S.: On the mechanisms that lead to multiple ground contacts in lightning, Doctorate Thesis of the Graduate Course in Space Geophysics, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas eEpaciais (INPE), Chapter 4, available at: (last access: June 2021), 2016. 
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Short summary
The lightning flash density is a key input parameter for assessing the risk of occurrence of a lightning strike. Flashes tend to have more than one ground termination point on average; therefore the use of ground strike point densities is more appropriate. The aim of this study is to assess the ability of three distinct ground strike point algorithms to correctly determine the observed ground-truth strike points.
Final-revised paper