Articles | Volume 17, issue 12
Research article
06 Dec 2017
Research article |  | 06 Dec 2017

Damage assessment in Braunsbach 2016: data collection and analysis for an improved understanding of damaging processes during flash floods

Jonas Laudan, Viktor Rözer, Tobias Sieg, Kristin Vogel, and Annegret H. Thieken

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Short summary
The flash flood in Braunsbach, Germany, in May 2016 was a severe and rather unfamiliar event which caused high monetary losses and heavy damage to buildings. Between 7 and 8 June we investigated all affected houses and conducted damage assessment to gain insights into the damage driving factors of those events. We conclude that the damage driving factors are complex and also differ partly from those of riverine floods, pointing out the need for further research.
Final-revised paper