Articles | Volume 25, issue 3
© Author(s) 2025. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Special issue:
© Author(s) 2025. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Preface: Multi-risk assessment in the Andes region
Elisabeth Schoepfer
German Aerospace Center (DLR), German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD), 82234 Weßling, Germany
Rodrigo Cienfuegos
Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental, Escuela de Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, 7820436, Chile
Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada del Riesgo de Desastres (CIGIDEN), Santiago, 7820436, Chile
Jörn Lauterjung
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
Torsten Riedlinger
German Aerospace Center (DLR), German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD), 82234 Weßling, Germany
Hannes Taubenböck
German Aerospace Center (DLR), German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD), 82234 Weßling, Germany
Institute of Geography and Geology, University of Würzburg, 97074 Würzburg, Germany
Related authors
Elisabeth Schoepfer, Jörn Lauterjung, Torsten Riedlinger, Harald Spahn, Juan Camilo Gómez Zapata, Christian D. León, Hugo Rosero-Velásquez, Sven Harig, Michael Langbein, Nils Brinckmann, Günter Strunz, Christian Geiß, and Hannes Taubenböck
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 4631–4660,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
In this paper, we provide a brief introduction of the paradigm shift from managing disasters to managing risks, followed by single-hazard to multi-risk assessment. We highlight four global strategies that address disaster risk reduction and call for action. Subsequently, we present a conceptual approach for multi-risk assessment which was designed to serve potential users like disaster risk managers, urban planners or operators of critical infrastructure to increase their capabilities.
Christian Geiß, Jana Maier, Emily So, Elisabeth Schoepfer, Sven Harig, Juan Camilo Gómez Zapata, and Yue Zhu
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 1051–1064,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
We establish a model of future geospatial population distributions to quantify the number of people living in earthquake-prone and tsunami-prone areas of Lima and Callao, Peru, for the year 2035. Areas of high earthquake intensity will experience a population growth of almost 30 %. The population in the tsunami inundation area is estimated to grow by more than 60 %. Uncovering those relations can help urban planners and policymakers to develop effective risk mitigation strategies.
Olaf Kranz, Elisabeth Schoepfer, Kristin Spröhnle, and Stefan Lang
Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLI-B7, 891–896,,, 2016
Monika Friedemann, Martin Mühlbauer, Fabian Henkel, Tabea Wilke, and Torsten Riedlinger
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 9, 14,,, 2025
Elisabeth Schoepfer, Jörn Lauterjung, Torsten Riedlinger, Harald Spahn, Juan Camilo Gómez Zapata, Christian D. León, Hugo Rosero-Velásquez, Sven Harig, Michael Langbein, Nils Brinckmann, Günter Strunz, Christian Geiß, and Hannes Taubenböck
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 4631–4660,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
In this paper, we provide a brief introduction of the paradigm shift from managing disasters to managing risks, followed by single-hazard to multi-risk assessment. We highlight four global strategies that address disaster risk reduction and call for action. Subsequently, we present a conceptual approach for multi-risk assessment which was designed to serve potential users like disaster risk managers, urban planners or operators of critical infrastructure to increase their capabilities.
Christian Werthmann, Marta Sapena, Marlene Kühnl, John Singer, Carolina Garcia, Tamara Breuninger, Moritz Gamperl, Bettina Menschik, Heike Schäfer, Sebastian Schröck, Lisa Seiler, Kurosch Thuro, and Hannes Taubenböck
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 1843–1870,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
Early warning systems (EWSs) promise to decrease the vulnerability of self-constructed (informal) settlements. A living lab developed a partially functional prototype of an EWS for landslides in a Medellín neighborhood. The first findings indicate that technical aspects can be manageable, unlike social and political dynamics. A resilient EWS for informal settlements has to achieve sufficient social and technical redundancy to maintain basic functionality in a reduced-support scenario.
Christian Geiß, Jana Maier, Emily So, Elisabeth Schoepfer, Sven Harig, Juan Camilo Gómez Zapata, and Yue Zhu
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 1051–1064,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
We establish a model of future geospatial population distributions to quantify the number of people living in earthquake-prone and tsunami-prone areas of Lima and Callao, Peru, for the year 2035. Areas of high earthquake intensity will experience a population growth of almost 30 %. The population in the tsunami inundation area is estimated to grow by more than 60 %. Uncovering those relations can help urban planners and policymakers to develop effective risk mitigation strategies.
Marta Sapena, Moritz Gamperl, Marlene Kühnl, Carolina Garcia-Londoño, John Singer, and Hannes Taubenböck
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 3913–3930,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
A new approach for the deployment of landslide early warning systems (LEWSs) is proposed. We combine data-driven landslide susceptibility mapping and population maps to identify exposed locations. We estimate the cost of monitoring sensors and demonstrate that LEWSs could be installed with a budget ranging from EUR 5 to EUR 41 per person in Medellín, Colombia. We provide recommendations for stakeholders and outline the challenges and opportunities for successful LEWS implementation.
L. Petry, T. Meiers, D. Reuschenberg, S. Mirzavand Borujeni, J. Arndt, L. Odenthal, T. Erbertseder, H. Taubenböck, I. Müller, E. Kalusche, B. Weber, J. Käflein, C. Mayer, G. Meinel, C. Gengenbach, and H. Herold
ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., VIII-4-W1-2021, 89–96,,, 2021
L. Petry, H. Herold, G. Meinel, T. Meiers, I. Müller, E. Kalusche, T. Erbertseder, H. Taubenböck, E. Zaunseder, V. Srinivasan, A. Osman, B. Weber, S. Jäger, C. Mayer, and C. Gengenbach
Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIV-4-W2-2020, 37–43,,, 2020
Gonzalo Álvarez, Marco Quiroz, Jorge León, and Rodrigo Cienfuegos
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 2027–2039,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
Evacuation planning has been recognized as one of the best tools for safeguarding the population against tsunami hazards. In this work we develop a novel methodology to identify and classify urban micro-vulnerabilities that may difficult pedestrian evacuation processes resulting from problems in urban design or informal uses of the public space. The correct identification and correction of these issues could make the difference in saving lives when the available time for evacuation is short.
Olaf Kranz, Elisabeth Schoepfer, Kristin Spröhnle, and Stefan Lang
Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLI-B7, 891–896,,, 2016
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Special issue