Articles | Volume 24, issue 7
Research article
25 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 25 Jul 2024

Modelling crop hail damage footprints with single-polarization radar: the roles of spatial resolution, hail intensity, and cropland density

Raphael Portmann, Timo Schmid, Leonie Villiger, David N. Bresch, and Pierluigi Calanca


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Short summary
The study presents an open-source model to determine the occurrence of hail damage to field crops and grapevines after hailstorms in Switzerland based on radar, agricultural land use data, and insurance damage reports. The model performs best at 8 km resolution for field crops and 1 km for grapevine and in the main production areas. Highlighting performance trade-offs and the relevance of user needs, the study is a first step towards the assessment of risk and damage for crops in Switzerland.
Final-revised paper