Articles | Volume 23, issue 7
Research article
28 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 28 Jul 2023

An integrated modeling approach to evaluate the impacts of nature-based solutions of flood mitigation across a small watershed in the southeast United States

Betina I. Guido, Ioana Popescu, Vidya Samadi, and Biswa Bhattacharya

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Preprint under review for NHESS
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Short summary
We used an integrated model to evaluate the impacts of nature-based solutions (NBSs) on flood mitigation across the Little Pee Dee and Lumber River watershed, the Carolinas, US. This area is strongly affected by climatic disasters, which are expected to increase due to climate change and urbanization, so exploring an NBS approach is crucial for adapting to future alterations. Our research found that NBSs can have visible effects on the reduction in hurricane-driven flooding.
Final-revised paper