Articles | Volume 23, issue 7
Review article
20 Jul 2023
Review article |  | 20 Jul 2023

Review article: Snow and ice avalanches in high mountain Asia – scientific, local and indigenous knowledge

Anushilan Acharya, Jakob F. Steiner, Khwaja Momin Walizada, Salar Ali, Zakir Hussain Zakir, Arnaud Caiserman, and Teiji Watanabe

Data sets

fidelsteiner/HiAVAL: HiAVAL 1.0.0 (v1.0.0) J. F. Steiner and A. Acharya

Short summary
All accessible snow and ice avalanches together with previous scientific research, local knowledge, and existing or previously active adaptation and mitigation solutions were investigated in the high mountain Asia (HMA) region to have a detailed overview of the state of knowledge and identify gaps. A comprehensive avalanche database from 1972–2022 is generated, including 681 individual events. The database provides a basis for the forecasting of avalanche hazards in different parts of HMA.
Final-revised paper