Research article
17 Jan 2023
Research article |

17 Jan 2023
How uncertain are precipitation and peak flow estimates for the July 2021 flooding event?
Mohamed Saadi, Carina Furusho-Percot, Alexandre Belleflamme, Ju-Yu Chen, Silke Trömel, and Stefan Kollet
Model code and software
parflow-350/parflow: ParFlow Version 3.5.0
Steven Smith, reedmaxwell, i-ferguson, FabianGasper, Nick Engdahl, Laura Condon, xy124, Ketan Kulkarni, Joe Beisman, basileh, geouke, cswoodward, Jose A. Fonseca, and David Thompson
The suite of lumped GR hydrological models in an R package (https://
L. Coron, G. Thirel, O. Delaigue, C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian