Articles | Volume 23, issue 3
Research article
16 Mar 2023
Research article |  | 16 Mar 2023

Identifying the drivers of private flood precautionary measures in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Thulasi Vishwanath Harish, Nivedita Sairam, Liang Emlyn Yang, Matthias Garschagen, and Heidi Kreibich

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Barendrecht, M. H., Sairam, N., Cumiskey, L., Metin, A. D., Holz, F., Priest, S. J., and Kreibich, H.: Needed: A systems approach to improve flood risk mitigation through private precautionary measures, Water Security, 11, 100080,, 2020. 
Short summary
Coastal Asian cities are becoming more vulnerable to flooding. In this study we analyse the data collected from flood-prone houses in Ho Chi Minh City to identify what motivates the households to adopt flood precautionary measures. The results revealed that educating the households about the available flood precautionary measures and communicating the flood protection measures taken by the government encourage the households to adopt measures without having to experience multiple flood events.
Final-revised paper