Articles | Volume 22, issue 12
Brief communication
29 Nov 2022
Brief communication |  | 29 Nov 2022

Brief communication: Critical infrastructure impacts of the 2021 mid-July western European flood event

Elco E. Koks, Kees C. H. van Ginkel, Margreet J. E. van Marle, and Anne Lemnitzer

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Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript under review for NHESS
Short summary
Compound flood impacts from Hurricane Sandy on New York City in climate-driven storylines
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Manuscript not accepted for further review
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Cited articles

24Rhein: A1, A61, A553 nach Flut: Engpässe zwischen Hürth und Dreieck Erfttal,, last access: 16 June 2022. 
ADAC: Flutkatastrophe 2021: Fahrzeugschäden in Höhe von 450 Millionen Euro, (last access: 16 June 2022), 2021. 
Assuralia: De verzekeringssector in cijfers: trends en overstromingen in juli '21,, last access: 9 June 2022. 
Ärzte Zeitung: Über 100 Praxen in Nordrhein durch Flut lahmgelegt,, last access: 13 December 2021. 
Bad Münstereifel: Aktuelles: Newsblog zur Hochwasserkatastrophe in Bad Münstereifel,, last access: 13 December 2021. 
Short summary
This study provides an overview of the impacts to critical infrastructure and how recovery has progressed after the July 2021 flood event in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The results show that Germany and Belgium were particularly affected, with many infrastructure assets severely damaged or completely destroyed. This study helps to better understand how infrastructure can be affected by flooding and can be used for validation purposes for future studies.
Final-revised paper