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A morphotectonic approach to the study of earthquakes in Rome
Fabrizio Marra
Alberto Frepoli
Dario Gioia
Marcello Schiattarella
Andrea Tertulliani
Monica Bini
Gaetano De Luca
Marco Luppichini
- Final revised paper (published on 27 Jul 2022)
- Preprint (discussion started on 04 Jan 2022)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on nhess-2021-399', Anonymous Referee #1, 28 Jan 2022
The paper presents an attempt to infer the hidden seismotectonic setting from a morphological analysis. In this regard, the study may be of some interest to improve the knowledge of the Rome area. Beyond this possible contribution, no inference about the present seismic hazard can be obtained as claimed by the Authors in the astract and conclusions. In my view, by no way the analysis carried out supports this statement: neither as concerns the "weakness" of the present tectonic regime nor the small dimensions of the faults (which, as expression of deeper fault systems that may be not segmented as the respective surface expressions seem to be). In essence the main conclusion (low hazard) only relies on the lack of strong earthquakes in the historical records (which is a strong evidence in my view). Thus, abstract and conclusions should be modified to reduce ambitions of the paper.
As concerns the seismotectonic interpretation, it is not clear to me what is the origin of the new "competing" tectonic regime responsible for the sinistral reactivation of dextral strike slip faults. Possibly this is not the core of the present paper: in this case, discussions about active strain regimes could be safely removed by only focusing the paper on inferring the apparent geometry of fault systems.
In summary, the paper could be shortened and re-focused on the main issue: the use of morphmetric tools to infer geometry of main "active" faults.
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Fabrizio Marra, 03 Feb 2022
We thank the reviewer for the insightful comments and we greatly appreciated the tone of the review and the constructive criticism.
We will take into account all his/her suggestions in order to revise the manuscript, addressing the problematic points that have been highlighted.
While we agree that we may have overestimated the implications of our study on the assessment of the hazard for the city of Rome, we would like to clarify some issues in order to defend, at least in part, and to support further our assumptions.
As reported in the abstract and detailed in the section dedicated to the seismotectonic features of the Rome's area, the longest historical record in the world attests that no destructive earthquake affected the city of Rome during the last 2000 years. We agree with the Reviewer that this fact alone may be indicative of a low hazard. However, aim of our study is to provide a possible explanation (and we agree that we are not providing THE explanation) for this moderate seismotectonic regime.
Therefore, while we agree that abstract and conclusions should be modified to smooth the direct implications of the morpho-structural analysis on the assessment of the seismic hazard, we believe that the characterization of the surface expression of the active faults in this area provides inferences on the interpretation of the present seismic hazard. We agree that such inferences could not be substantiated without combining the morpho-structural study with that of the historical and instrumental seismicity, but this is what we actually were intended to do. And we still believe that this goal may be achieved by re-writing the abstract and the conclusions according to the concepts above, and making explicit that we offer a possible explanation for the observed low seismic rate which contributes to reinforce the common belief that Rome should not expect to be affected by strong earthquakes.
Regarding the possibility that the small surface faults may be expression of a deeper fault systems that may be not segmented as the respective surface expressions seem to be, we remark that such high fragmentation is provided by a en-echelon system of ~N-S strike-slip faults which have crustal continuity.
Therefore hindering the lateral continuity of the NW-SE trending faults, which represent the most favorably oriented fault system with respect to the Present-day NE-SW extensional regime. We will highlight this factor in the discussions.
For what concern the lack of clarity on the origin of the new "competing" tectonic regime responsible for the sinistral reactivation of dextral strike slip faults, this subject has been thoroughly discussed in the cited previous literature (Marra, 1999, 2001; Frepoli et al., 2010) and, as the Reviewer says, is not the core of the present study. However, hereby we provide a more in depth explanation, from Frepoli et al. (2010):
In approaching the geodynamics of this region the contribution of three main mechanisms of deformation should be considered, as proposed in Faccenna et al. (1996):
- i) the N-S shortening (arrow #1 in Figure 12a, b) induced by the convergence of Africa and Europe (Tapponier, 1977);
- ii) the sinking of the Ionian slab (arrow #2 in Figure 12a, b), producing the eastward migration (arrow #3) of the Apennine arc, and consequent back-arc extension (arrow #4) in the Tyrrhenian region (Malinverno and Ryan, 1986; Patacca and Scandone, 1989);
iii) the gravitational spreading of the overthickened crust (arrow #5 in Figure 12a, b) in the Apennine crustal wedge (Reutter et al., 1980; Horvath and Berckhemer, 1982).
All these mechanisms are to be considered presently active in the Northern Apenninic arc on the basis of seismic and stress-field indications (Selvaggi and Amato, 1992; Amato et al., 1993; Frepoli and Amato, 1997; Mariucci et al., 1999; Lucente and Speranza, 2001; Montone et al., 2004). Moreover, crustal thinning induced by extension was coupled with asthenospheric bulging (arrows #6 in Figure 12b), leading to the back-arc volcanism on the Tyrrhenian margin (Serri, 1997, and references therein). Such phenomena, and related magma underplating, enhanced the extensional processes (arrow #6′ in Figure 12b) in a feedback mechanism in this region. In this regard, it is fundamental to notice that the Rome area and the Alban Hills are at the southeastern margin of the Latium Magmatic Province (Serri et al., 1993), and that very scanty volcanic activity occurred in the area between Rome and the Ortona-Roccamonfina Line, which is considered (Patacca et al., 1990) a major geodynamic boundary separating the Northern and Southern Apennines (Figure 12c). In agreement with Marra (1999, 2001), we interpret the Sabina shear zone (Alfonsi et al., 1991) to represent the northern boundary of this crustal disengagement zone. Based on its proximity to the Sabina shear zone, and in agreement with the numerous field evidence of fault kinematics (Faccenna et al., 1994a, 1994b; Marra, 2001; Marra et al., 2004) and the peculiar eruptive behavior of the Alban Hills Volcanic District (Marra et al., 2009), we believe that the transpressional stress regime has been the prevailing one in this region during Quaternary times (Figure 12a), and that it is temporarily superimposed by the extensional regime during periods of incoming volcanic activity and/or increased extensional activity (depending on which is to be considered cause and which effect) on the Tyrrhenian margin (Figure 12b).
Alfonsi, L., R. Funiciello, M. Mattei, O. Girotti, A. Maiorani, M. Preite Martinez, C. Trudu, and B. Turi, Structural and geochemical features of the Sabina strike-slip fault (Central Apennines), Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 110, 217-230, 1991.
Amato, A., B. Alessandrini, G.B. Cimini, A. Frepoli, and G. Selvaggi, Active and remnant subducted slabs beneath Italy: evidence from seismic tomography and seismicity, Ann. Geofis., 36 (2), 201-214, 1993.
Faccenna, C., R. Funiciello, P. Montone, M. Parotto, and M. Voltaggio, An example of late Pleistocene strike-slip tectonics: the Acque Albule basin (Tivoli, Latium), Mem. Descr. d. Carta Geol. d'It., 49, 37-50, 1994a.
Faccenna, C., R. Funiciello, and M. Mattei, Late Pleistocene N-S shear zones along the Latium Tyrrhenian margin: structural characters and volcanological implications, Boll. Geof. Teor. Appl., 36, n.141-144, 507-522, 1994b.
Faccenna, C., P. Davy, J.P. Brun, R. Funiciello, D. Giardini, M. Mattei, and T. Nalpas, The dynamics of back-arc extension: an experimental approach to the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea, Geophys. J. Int., 126, 781-795, 1996.
Frepoli, A., and A. Amato, Contemporaneous extension and compression in the northern Apennines from earthquake fault-plane solutions, Geophys. J. Int., 129, 368-388, 1997.
Frepoli A, Marra F, Maggi C, Marchetti A, Nardi A, Pagliuca NM, et al. Seismicity, seismogenic structures and crustal stress field in the greater area of Rome (Central Italy). Journal Geophysical Research 2010;115. doi:10.1029/2009JB006322, 2010
Horvath, F., and H. Berckhemer, Mediterranean back arc basins, in Alpine Mediterranean Geodynamics, pp. 145-175, eds Berckhemer, H. & Hsu, K.J., Geodyn. Ser., 7, American Geophys. Un., Whashington, DC., 1982.
Lucente, F.P., and F. Speranza, Belt bending driven by lateral bending of subducting lithospheric slab: geophysical evidences from the northern Apennines (Italy), Tectonophysics, 337, 53-64, 2001.
Malinverno, A., and W.B.F. Ryan, Extension in the Tyrrhenina Sea and shortening in the Apennines as result of arc migration driven by sinking of the lithosphere, Tectonics, 5, 227-245, 1986.
Mariucci, M.T., A. Amato, and P. Montone, Recent tectonic evolution and present stress in the Northern Apennines (Italy), Tectonics, 18, 108-118, 1999.
Marra, F., Low-magnitude earthquakes in Rome: structural interpretation and implications for local stress-field, Geophys. J. Int., 138, 231-243, 1999.
Marra, F., Strike-slip faulting and block rotation: A possible triggering mechanism for lava flows in the Alban Hills? J. Struct. Geol., 23 (2), 129-141, 2001.
Marra, F., P. Montone, M. Pirro, and E. Boschi, Evidence of Active Tectonics on a Roman Aqueduct System (II-III Century A.D.) near Rome, Italy, J. Struct. Geol., 26, 679-690, 2004.
Marra F., D.B. Karner, C. Freda, M. Gaeta, and P.R. Renne, Large mafic eruptions at the Alban Hills Volcanic District (Central Italy): chronostratigraphy, petrography and eruptive behavior, J. Volc. Geoth. Res. (in press), doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.11.009, 2009.
Montone, P., A. Amato, C. Chiarabba, G. Buonasorte, and A. Fiordalisi, Evidence of active extension in Quaternary volcanoes of Central Italy from breakout analysis and seismicity, Geoph. Res. Lett., 22, 1909-1912, 1995.
Montone, P., M.T. Mariucci, S. Pondrelli, and A. Amato, An improved stress map for Italy and surrounding regions (Central Mediterranean), J. Geophys. Res., 109, 10410, doi:10.1029/2003jb002703, 2004.
Patacca, E., and P. Scandone, Post-Tortonian mountain building in the Apennines. The role of the passive sinking of a relic lithospheric slab, in The Lithosphere in Italy, edited by A. Boriani, M. Bonafede, G.B. Piccardo & G.B. Vai, Advances in Earth Science Research. It. Nat. Comm. Int. Lith. Progr., Mid-term Conf. (Rome, 5-6 May 1987), Atti Conv. Lincei, 80, 157-176, 1989.
Patacca, E., R. Sartori, P. Scandone, Tyrrhenian basin and apenninic arcs: kinematic relations since late Tortonian times, Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 45, 425-451, 1990
Reutter, K.J., P. Giese, and H. Closs, Lithospheric split in the descending plate: observation from the Northern apennines, Tectonophysics, 64, T1-T9, 1980.
Selvaggi, G., and A. Amato, Subcrustal earthquakes in the Northern Apennines (Italy): evidence for a still active subduction? Geoph. Res. Lett., 19, 2127-2130, 1992.
Serri, G., Neogene-Quaternary magmatic activity and its geodynamic implications in the Central Mediterranean region, Ann. Geofisica, 3, 681-703, 1997.
Serri, G., F. Innocenti, and P. Manetti, Geochemical and Petrological evidence of the subduction of delaminated Adriatic continental lithosphere in the genesis of the Neogene-Quaternary magmatism of Central Italy, Tectonophysics, 223, 117-147, 1993.
Tapponier, P., Evolution du systême Alpin en Méditerranée: poinconnement et écrasement rigide-plastique, Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 7 (19), 437-460, 1997.
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Fabrizio Marra, 03 Feb 2022
RC2: 'Comment on nhess-2021-399', Anonymous Referee #1, 03 Feb 2022
Many thanks for the reply and for your acceptance of my suggestions. As concerns the last point, I just think that some of the arguments reported in the cited papers could by shortly summarized in the present manuscript: this might improve the text. Anyway, I look forward the new version of the paper and, in particular of the abstract and conclusion sections.
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AC3: 'Reply on RC2', Fabrizio Marra, 08 Apr 2022
We will follow also this suggestion, introducing a summary of the seismoterctonic fatures of the area of Roma illustrated in previous literature.
AC3: 'Reply on RC2', Fabrizio Marra, 08 Apr 2022
RC3: 'Comment on nhess-2021-399', Anonymous Referee #2, 29 Mar 2022
The paper addresses a topic that is relevant, due to the great vulnerability and exposure that characterizes Rome from a seismic risk perspective. The high number of people who lives, works and spends holydays in this city, the critical infrastructure that characterizes the Capital of Italy, along with the value of its ancient building stock and cultural heritage, makes a detailed evaluation of the seismic hazard of this area very important to be carried out.
For this reason, the paper is in principle of interest to the nhess audience and would deserve to be published. However, it is not ready for publication, as described below. In general, more care is needed in the drafting of the text, the citation of bibliographical references and the content of the figures.
General issues
The general frame depicted in Section 2 would benefit from a wider description of the seismic events that hit Rome in the past, also including those occurred in “the period of ancient Rome, as well in the Early Middle Ages” (lines 84-86). This information can be easily retrieved in the available seismic catalogues and, in general, in the literature. This would show that comparable damage (e.g., intensity VI-VII) has been caused both by strong earthquakes with a far epicentre, e.g., in the Apennines chain, and by moderate events much closer. For this reason, defining the potential size of these moderate events significantly contributes to a better definition of the seismic hazard of the area.
I suggest also adding a new figure with a graph or a table representing the seismic history of Rome.
In the same line, it would be useful to know the magnitude of the instrumental earthquakes. Are there any comparable with the 2020 Ml 3.3 event? In case, they could be outlined in Figure 1. Concerning this figure, there are also some details that need to be fixed: the blue star of the 2020 event is not so evident; there are letters A-B and C-D that are not defined in the caption; in the legend, Bulletin has two t; neither in the caption nor in the text a definition of G.R.A. is reported (only in Figure 8, at the end of the paper). Could you add the stream of the Aniene river? It would help compare this one with the other figures.
The description of the structural setting could be more precise, even without being longer, and for this purpose an improved Figure 2 would be of great help. In general, this figure needs to be rethought for an international audience unfamiliar with the tectonics of Central Italy. Which is the age of the tectonic features reported (thrusts, normal and strike-slip faults)? Which are active today and which not? Why the extensional stress field in the Apennines has a different graphic than that along the Tyrrhenian margin? Is the stress field of the strike-slip faults no longer active (the retrieved focal mechanism has an opposite kinematics)? In the text, you talk about the volcanoes of the “Roman Province”, whereas in this figure you represent the volcanic districts of the Tyrrhenian Sea margin. Could you homogenize the names, also highlighting the Colli Albani? Could you add a box corresponding to figure 1 and a graphic scale? Could you add any references in the figure caption?
I suggest redrafting Figure 2 and then rewriting coherently the structural setting.
Concerning the morphological setting, Figure 3 is not centred on Rome and does not include the 2020 Ml 3.3. I suggest reframing the figure, expanding it to the North and to the West.
The way the seismicity is addressed in the paper should be better organized. The seismicity of the area is described in Section 2. Section 4, called Seismicity, describes the data collection, but it also shows a part of methodological description, in particular the hypocentres relocation. It does not mention, however, the computation of the moment tensor solution, that is addressed directly in the Results, but is shown in Figure 4, to which Section 4 refers. Now it seems that the focal mechanism in Figure 4 comes from the literature.
Moreover, why only two out of the four networks described in the text at page 8 are shown in Figure 4? I suggest including all the networks in the figure 4, distinguishing them with different colours and/or symbols in the maps.
I also suggest adding a table with the list and the parameters of the Ml 3.3 event and the 4 aftershocks (magnitude, depth, etc.) mentioned at page 14. Why only 2 out of these aftershocks are shown in Figure 4?
This example highlights, as a more general point, the need of a clearer organization of the text. I suggest reviewing the Table of Contents of the paper, separating better the introductory framework, the data used, the methodologies adopted, and then results and discussion. Within each of these general topics, subsections regarding the different disciplines (seismology, geomorphology, tectonics, etc.) need to be included. Otherwise, as it happens now, you have a mix of literature, data and interpretations in many parts of the paper, and this does not help the reader.
The morphotectonic analysis of the drainage network (Section 6.3) is a huge work, supported by several detailed figures. However, the tectonic lineaments that are present in all these figures do not allow a proper view of the data analysis, whose details are masked by the black lines. Therefore, on the one hand, I suggest removing the tectonic lineaments from Figure 6 a) and b) and Figure 7. On the other hand, the Authors should add a new figure where all the main results from the previous figures are reported (fluvial elbows, knickpoints, etc.) along with the interpreted tectonic lineaments.
Moreover, it is not clear why the Authors draw a N-S lineament near the Ml 3.3 epicentre even though in figure 5 A) it falls within a zone characterised by NE-SW streambed analysis (see also lines 346-349 at page 15).
The most critical point, in my view, is in the concept of “seismic intensity” that, according to the Authors, the analysed faults have now compared with that they had in the geological past. This concept, along with the seismic intensity of the area related to the Pleistocene stress field, is present since the beginning of the paper (page 7, from line 153), up to the Discussion.
I think that this concept should be totally revised. In general, seismogenic faults are not characterised by a “seismic intensity” but, rather, by a “seismic rate”, that can be estimated if you are able to recognise one or more seismic events that they generated in the past (for instance from historical and/or palaeoseismological record), associated with a “geological slip rate” from structural, geomorphological and stratigraphic data.
In this study, the faults analysed are buried and blind, there are only hints of their activity at surface. Therefore, there is no information to assess which is their current and past activity and seismic rate.
Moreover, there are no data to discuss the “dimension” of the current and previous stress fields, although it is clear that the Middle Pleistocene tectonic activity, also responsible for the development of the volcanic district, was much more developed than the current tectonic activity.
I think that a scheme or a table is needed reporting (with refs) the orientation, kinematics and age of the different stress fields (including the strike-slip one of figure 2) that affected the study area through time and that are relevant to this study. Based on this, the inception, development, segmentation and possible reactivation of faults can be framed and discussed. This will allow the Authors to strengthen their idea that segmented faults with limited tectonic activity can be assigned a seismogenic potential for events with moderate magnitude.
Page 3, lines 79-81
I suggest describing what the Greater Rome is: the Province of Rome?
Page 6, lines from 139
The name of the volcanic complex should be added.
Page 7, lines 148-151
This part should be described better, and some references added.
Page 7, lines 157-159
This sentence (Moderate earthquakes … almost exclusively … in the volcanic area) is not supported by the current figure 1, where moderate earthquakes are reported also in correspondence with the city. Maybe, the modified Figure 1 could help clarify this part.
Page 7, line 170
“At depth”: which depth? Could you characterize better the third dimension of these faults?
Page 8, line 186
The Italian Strong Motion Network (RAN) should be mentioned along with its owner/operator, as you did for RSN and INGV, RSA and Lazio and Abruzzo regions, IESN as an amateur seismic network. RAN is operated by the National Civil Protection Department.
Page 10, line 206
“Carried out” rather than “carried on”.
Page 11, Figure 5 B)
Add in the caption what the light blue and yellow lines are.
Page 12, lines 240-249
Here the Authors could explain the reason why a role played by lithologies can be ruled out. This concept, without explanation, can be read at page 16, line 367. Maybe a figure with a geological sketch could be added.
Page 14, lines 296-306
At page 7, line 170, the Authors state that the fault planes at depth do not propagate to the surface. Therefore, here some explanation is needed on the mechanism causing fault induced disturbance on some elements of the drainage network.
Page 14, line 325
I strongly discourage the use, here and in other parts of the text, of the term “Antiapennine” as a synonym of a NE-SW direction, and of the term “Apennine” as a synonym of a NW-SE direction. Please, refer to NE-SW, etc.
Page 16, line 363
Check the number of the figure.
Page 16, line 375
Check the orientation.
Page 20, line 396
Remove “by the INGV”: references are already there.
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC3', Fabrizio Marra, 30 Mar 2022
We thank the Reviewer # 2 for in-depth comments and numerous suggestions aimed at improving the content and presentation of our work. We believe all the requested changes to be useful and feasible, together with those already suggested by Reviewer # 1, and we await the indications of the Editor to proceed with a thorough revision of the text and figures.
AC2: 'Reply on RC3', Fabrizio Marra, 30 Mar 2022
AC4: 'Comment on nhess-2021-399', Fabrizio Marra, 08 Apr 2022
- As reported in the abstract and detailed in the section dedicated to the seismotectonic features of the Rome's area, the longest historical record in the world attests that no destructive earthquake affected the city of Rome during the last 2000 years. We agree with the Reviewer that this fact alone may be indicative of a low hazard. However, aim of our study is to provide a possible explanation (and we agree that we are not providing THE explanation) for this moderate seismotectonic regime. Therefore, while we agree that abstract and conclusions should be modified to smooth the direct implications of the morpho-structural analysis on the assessment of the seismic hazard, we believe that the characterization of the surface expression of the active faults in this area provides inferences on the interpretation of the present seismic hazard. We agree that such inferences could not be substantiated without combining the morpho-structural study with that of the historical and instrumental seismicity, but this is what we actually were intended to do. And we still believe that this goal may be achieved by re-writing the abstract and the conclusions according to the concepts above, and making explicit that we offer a possible explanation for the observed low seismic rate which contributes to reinforce the common belief that Rome should not expect to be affected by strong earthquakes.
- Regarding the possibility that the small surface faults may be expression of a deeper fault systems that may be not segmented as the respective surface expressions seem to be, we remark that such high fragmentation is provided by a en-echelon system of ~N-S strike-slip faults which have crustal continuity.Therefore hindering the lateral continuity of the NW-SE trending faults, which represent the most favorably oriented fault system with respect to the Present-day NE-SW extensional regime. We will highlight this factor in the discussions.
- For what concern the lack of clarity on the origin of the new "competing" tectonic regime responsible for the sinistral reactivation of dextral strike slip faults, this subject has been thoroughly discussed in the cited previous literature (Marra, 1999, 2001; Frepoli et al., 2010) and, as the Reviewer says, is not the core of the present study. However, we will provide a more in depth explanation in the rvised version of our paper.
- We are going to implement section 2 according to the suggestions. However, the earthquakes dated to the ancient periods of Rome history are very poorly constrained. In fact they are based on one account only, and directly referred to the city of Rome. This fact does not allow us to distinguish far earthquakes from close events. During Roman Ages, the definition of the term “Rome” was often associated with entire territorial possessions, e.g. the whole Italy.
To better illustrate this topic we will add the suggested table with the earthquakes that hit Rome with Intensity greater than 6.
- We will improve Figure 2 adding the requested information on the age of the tectonic features and on the different extensional stresses, along with the other suggested modifications. We will re-arrange the text accordingly to this implemented structural scheme.
Figure 3 comprehends the area where the statistical analysis of riverbed directions was performed in previous literature and it is functional to highlight the marked morphological feature of the drainage network in this region. We are going to slightly enlarge the area in order to include the epicenter of the 2020 seismic event.
- We are going to re-organize the seismicity sections, merging them together.
We reamark that there is no moment tensor computation; we have computed a focal mechanism of the mainshock using first-motion polarities (57 P-wave polarities) with the code FPFIT (Reasenberg and Oppenheimer, 1985). Focal mechanism with first-motion polarities is shown in figure 4.
We are going to provide a revised Fig. 4 in which we have reported all the four arrays with different colors. In the map are shown only the nearest seismic stations with respect to the epicenters. The 4 arrays are extended in the whole Central Appennine and are all used in the relocation of the small sequence.
We are also providing a table with the list and the parameters of the Ml 3.3 event and the 4 aftershocks.
We preferred to not add the location of two mainshocks because they are localized far from the mainshock's epicenter. However, we will add them in the revised Figure 4b and we will discuss in the text the fact that they are not related with the seismogenic structure.
- We will remove the tectonic lineaments from Figure 6 a) and b) and Figure 7.
and add a new figure where all the main results from the previous figures are reported (fluvial elbows, knickpoints, etc.) along with the interpreted tectonic lineaments.
We remark that the NE-SW directions are clearly overprinted by the N-S ones in this area.
- The Reviewer highlights the core of the problematics concerning the assessment of the seismic risk for Rome: in this area the seismogenic structures are buried and blind, and there are only hints of their activity at surface. Therefore, there is no information to assess which is their current and past activity and seismic rate. We believe that one indirect way to provide an estimation of the seismic potential is the morpho-structural aproach, aimed at providing information of the size of the potential faults. On this regard, the scheme suggested by Reviewer #2 reporting the orientation, kinematics and age of the different stress fields that affected the study area through time, along with the geometry of the related faults, is an excellent idea.
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AC5: 'Comment on nhess-2021-399', Fabrizio Marra, 19 Apr 2022
We are waiting for communication from the Editor before addressing the revisions of our paper.
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AC6: 'Comment on nhess-2021-399', Fabrizio Marra, 24 Apr 2022
Perhaps we have missed a step, but we cannot understand why there has not yet been any response and an indication as to how we should proceed. Please let us know, thank you.
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AC7: 'Comment on nhess-2021-399', Fabrizio Marra, 22 Jun 2022
Dear Editor,
it is an incredibly long time since we are waiting for the final decision!
We have provided all the requested modifications to the manuscript and we wre confident that the paper was fit for publication.
We hope that now you can provide us with the final response.
Thank you very much for yor attention,
kind regards,
Fabrizio Marra
Peer review completion