Articles | Volume 18, issue 7
Research article
03 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 03 Jul 2018

Linking source with consequences of coastal storm impacts for climate change and risk reduction scenarios for Mediterranean sandy beaches

Marc Sanuy, Enrico Duo, Wiebke S. Jäger, Paolo Ciavola, and José A. Jiménez

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Cited articles

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Armaroli, C., Ciavola, P., Perini, L., Calabrese, L., Lorito, S., Valentini, A., and Masina, M.: Critical storm thresholds for significant morphological changes and damage along the Emilia-Romagna coastline, Italy, Geomorphology, 143–144, 34–51,, 2012.
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Short summary
To enable efficient coastal management, present and future scenarios must be included, risk reduction measures integrated, and multiple hazards dealt with. Process-based models are used to predict hazards at receptors. Impacts are calculated through vulnerability relations. Simulations are integrated with a Bayesian-based approach to link source with consequences. The tool is valuable for communicating risks and the effects of risk reduction strategies and as support for coastal decision making.
Final-revised paper