Articles | Volume 17, issue 12
Research article
19 Dec 2017
Research article |  | 19 Dec 2017

Conceptualizing community resilience to natural hazards – the emBRACE framework

Sylvia Kruse, Thomas Abeling, Hugh Deeming, Maureen Fordham, John Forrester, Sebastian Jülich, A. Nuray Karanci, Christian Kuhlicke, Mark Pelling, Lydia Pedoth, and Stefan Schneiderbauer

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The emBRACE framework of community resilience conceptualizes resilience across three core domains: resources and capacities, actions, and learning. These are influenced by extra community forces, i.e. risk governance, societal context, disturbances and system change over time. It was developed by building on existing scholarly debates, on empirical case study work in five countries and on participatory consultation with community stakeholders where the framework was applied and ground-tested.
Final-revised paper