Articles | Volume 16, issue 1
Review article
27 Jan 2016
Review article |  | 27 Jan 2016

Discussing the role of tropical and subtropical moisture sources in cold season extreme precipitation events in the Mediterranean region from a climate change perspective

S. O. Krichak, S. B. Feldstein, P. Alpert, S. Gualdi, E. Scoccimarro, and J.-I. Yano


Short summary
This paper presents a review of a large number of research studies focused on the investigation of cold season extreme precipitation events (EPEs) in the Mediterranean region (MR) demonstrating an important role of anomalously intense transports of moist air from the tropical and subtropical Atlantic in the occurrence of the MR EPEs. The issue of a possible role of the recent past decline in Arctic sea ice in the climatology of the MR EPEs during the period is also addressed.
Final-revised paper