Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Research article
26 May 2014
Research article |  | 26 May 2014

Heavy rainfall episodes over Liguria in autumn 2011: numerical forecasting experiments

A. Buzzi, S. Davolio, P. Malguzzi, O. Drofa, and D. Mastrangelo

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Ann. Geophys., 34, 347–356,,, 2016
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MEDEX: a general overview
A. Jansa, P. Alpert, P. Arbogast, A. Buzzi, B. Ivancan-Picek, V. Kotroni, M. C. Llasat, C. Ramis, E. Richard, R. Romero, and A. Speranza
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1965–1984,,, 2014

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Are heavy-rainfall events a major trigger of associated natural hazards along the German rail network?
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Brief communication: Forecasting extreme precipitation from atmospheric rivers in New Zealand
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The record-breaking precipitation event of December 2022 in Portugal
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Cited articles

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